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The Healing Spaces

Set in the heart of the beautiful Greene County countryside, the healing spaces are found to be relaxing and serene.  The Healers House is four miles from I-87, Catskill, NY exit.  See Contact for more information and a map.

The treatment room looks out onto forested greenery and a few garden beds. Visitors say it is quiet and peaceful...

"I wanted to thank you for a wonderful healing session. I want to come back... I felt so well after seeing you and slept like a log for several nights!" - P.R.

As you lay down on the healing table, my intentions for you are to completely relax, as best as you are able.  As your muscles relax, you breathing slows down to a comfortable resting rate. You become open to receive a beneficial healing treatment that will assist your spinal fluids and cranial spaces to open. Your energy centers and chakras will start moving in a very good spiral fashion yielding to Spirit. Your Spirit will give to you only what you need to take place, and what your body will allow. Your relaxed participation is essential. You will take home with you what you need to handle many forms of stress in your life, and take with you a feeling of well being, and that the Universe is a better place because you opened to the healing energies of your own natural flow.


You are welcome to bring your physical as well as emotional discomforts. I have training in palliative care, psychiatry, orthopedic, and many other body systems. Bring questions about nutrition, exercise,  family and relationship dynamics or whatever is on your mind. I will do my best to assist you in a very helpful and non-judgemental way. Confidentiality is respected.


My Intention for You

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