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REIKI... Bask in the radiance of Reiki, a time honored Japanese traditional healing technique. Allow us to open your energy centers, boost your immune system and increase life force potential.
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY... Open up to the healing power of Craniosacral Therapy where nerve pathways are revitalized, fluid pathways in the body are reconnected, and more is revealed as you feel a renewed sense of overall well being and  vitality.


This treatment is given to the spine and cranium releasing tension, allowing healing space to be created in the body, and aligning spine and spinal fluids with energies in the brain.

ENERGY MEDICINE... Is offered along with Reiki and Craniosacral Therapy and may be included in both treatments.



SESSIONS are often 50 - 70 minutes and are so relaxing. Wear comfortable clothing and be ready to receive a most beneficial treatment. Most often you will lie on your back with pillows supporting you.

COST is $65 to $90 per session. Sliding scale is offered.


Please call with any questions about the session. Your feedback is always appreciated.

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